How to use Spring Nuts in a Channel Strut?

How to use Spring Nuts in a Channel Strut?

There are two ways to insert spring nuts in a channel strut. The easiest way is to turn your spring nut parallel to your strut channel and then push the nut in with the spring facing the channel until the whole nut is below the lip of the strut channel. Then turn the nut 90 degrees or perpendicular so that the bites of the nut can attach to the lip of the channel strut. The other way is to insert the strut channel nut and spring into one end of the strut channel so that the bites on the strut nut are in line with the lip of the channel, and the slide the strut channel nut to the desired spot on the channel strut. Using strut channel spring nuts is a great way to attach boxes, panels, or other things to strut or Unistrut with added support.

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