How do you ship?

How do you ship? ships via FedEx. We will still offer UPS to customers who require it. We try to use the smallest possible box size to fit your items, however due to the nature of our custom products (such as cut strut), you may be presented with a shipping option such as a Small Flat Rate Box which cannot hold all items. We will adjust your order to fit in the next smallest and affordable size.

All orders with a value of over $1000 will require adult signature.  This is a requirement of our insurance policy in the event of damages or lost packages.

FedEx has several options for shipping parcels. Below is a quick comparison of their services from our previous UPS services. All delivery times are estimates provided by the carrier, has no control once the package leaves our facility. Our same-day shipping cutoff will remain at 12PM EST, and we will continue to attempt to get as many orders shipped daily as possible. Items are not guaranteed to be in stock because they are listed for sale! Please contact customer service for any urgent orders before placing them.

FedEx Service
UPS Service
First Overnight
This service is designed to get orders to your address by 8:30AM Next Business Day
Next Day Air Early AM
Priority Overnight
This service is designed to get orders to your address by 10:30 AM Next Business Day
Next Day Air
Standard Overnight
This service is designed to get orders to your address by 3PM Next Business Day
Next Day Air Saver
2Day AM
This service is designed to get orders to your address by 9AM 2nd Business Day
2 Day Air Early AM
This service is designed to get orders to your address by end of business, 2nd business day
2 Day Air
This service is designed to get orders to your address within 1 to 7 business days based on delivery map
Home Delivery
This service is aimed at faster ground delivery to RESIDENTIAL addresses only.


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